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The Benefits of Blackout Blinds

The Benefits of Blackout Blinds

When you think about blackout blinds, chances are that you think of blinds intended to stop the light outside from getting in. But their original purpose was to stop light inside getting out, because they were designed to prevent household lights from giving German bombers something to target during World War II.

Thankfully, that original purpose of blackout blinds no longer applies – so what advantages do they offer today? This month, we’ll be taking a look at one of our most popular options for bedrooms and discovering that there’s a lot more to them than the obvious.

Keeping the lights out

But let’s start with the obvious. Writing this towards the end of May, with the sun rising at about 5 o’clock in the morning, this is when you really appreciate blackout blinds. If you sleep better the darker it is, then these are for you. The quality available today, which can be made to perfectly fit your window, means that you can get pitch black darkness that cuts you off from the outside world and helps you get that well-deserved eight hours of kip.

Keeping noise levels down

That thicker fabric that’s keeping the morning sun out of your room will be helping stop exterior noise finding its way in as well. So, if you’re a light sleeper, then long, unbroken nights of sleep are suddenly starting to look like a far more realistic possibility.

Keeping your house warmer in winter

Not only are blackout blinds good at keeping the light out, but they’re also pretty handy for keeping the heat in. That means when you use them during winter, you’ll be losing less of what your heating system is pumping out to keep you warm. The end result of that should be lower fuel bills. And there’s a very good converse to that…

No compromise on style

Just because they’re called blackout blinds, it doesn’t mean that they have to be black. It’s the side facing the window that has the thicker material that blocks out the light, so you can still have a colour to match your interior decor.

At Solo Blinds, we have over 30 years’ experience in the blinds and shutters business, and we have a commitment to delivering the highest quality products with the best customer service. To find out more about how blackout blinds could be the perfect choice for your home, give us a call today to arrange a free home visit and quotation.

For expert advice, call our friendly team using the numbers below:

Domestic enquiries 01670 630 108

Commercial enquiries 01670 630 107

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  • Free home visits, quotations and fittings Our expert team help you find the right product before purchasing
  • Fully bespoke design service We help transform any room in your home with tailored blinds and shutters
  • Local, family-run business Our family has been dedicated local customers for 40 years
  • A history of quality installations We’ve fitted blinds at Barclays Bank head office and even Wembley Stadium
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Domestic Enquiries: 01670 630 108

Commercial Enquiries: 01670 630 107


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